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Here is the first Mexican romantic! We hope there will be more soon. Ponce was very romantic early in his carriere, which is obvious from the first piano concerto, which is very traditional romantic music, with its lush orchestral and pianist writing.
Disc No: CDS-1102-2
Price: Sek. 185
Name: Manuel M. Ponce


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Ponce, Manuel M. (1882-1948)   Ferial Orq. Sin. de San Luis Potosi - Rodolfo Ritterz
Zaeth Ritter, piano
Ponce, Manuel M.   Piano Concerto No.1 Romantico
Ponce, Manuel M.   Piano Concerto No.2 unfinished
Ponce, Manuel M.   Preludios encadenados
Ponce, Manuel M.   Cuatro danzas mexicanas

Toccata, September 2014 Webmaster