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Conventional wisdom has it that Joachim Raff composed eleven symphonies, even though neither their numbers not their sequence accounts with the fact that he actually wrote twelve or possibly thirteen of them. Our recognition and numbering of his symphonies will need to be re-evaluated when an additional work is taken into account, the four-movement choral symphony Die Tagenzeit where he blithely referred to as a consertante.
Disc No: CDS-1089-2
Price: Sek. 185
Name: Joachim Raff - Works for
 Choir, Piano & Orchestra


ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Raff, Joachim
Op.209 Die Tageszeiten, Konzertante in vier satzen   The Symphony Orchestra of Norrlands Opera - Andrea Quinn
Tra Nguyen, piano
Raff, Joachim Op.187a Morgenlied  
Raff, Joachim Op.186 Einer Entschlafenen  
Raff, Joachim WoO 53 Die Sterne  

Toccata, August 2010 Webmaster