Dynamic Records
Disc No: CDS-437
Price: Sek. 100 (3CD) In collaboration with the Opéra de Nice and with the Ensemble Baroque de Nice, Dynamic releases a Vivaldian rarity, Rosmira Fedele, first staged at Venice's Teatro Sant'Angelo on 27th January 1738. Written on a libretto by Silvio Stampiglia, Rosmira Fedele is the last opera by Vivaldi that has come down to us. Written three years before the composer's death, this work heralds the end of one of the most fertile theatrical careers in the history of music.       Dynamic on sale

Name: Vivaldi
Rosmira Fedele

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Vivaldi, Antonio   Rosmira Fedele (Complete opera)   Ensemble Baroque de Nice - Gilbert Bezzina
Marianna Pizzolato, mezzo
Claire Brua, mezzo
Salomé Haller, soprano
Rossana Bertini, soprano
Jacek Laszczkowski, male soprano
Philippe Cantor, bass baritone
John Elwes, tenor

Toccata, Jan 2005 Webmaster