Piano soloist
Olof Höjer

OLOF HÖJER, born 1937, has long been praised for his intelligent interpretations, self-effacing musicality, and delicate touch. He has shown a particular interest in Swedish and French music - he made his breakthrough playing the complete piano music of Debussy - and is recognized as one of the finest interpreters of Erik Satie in our time.
He was educated in Stockholm; mainly by the Schnabel pupil Gottfrid Boon. Since his debut he has performed in Sweden and Europe, and made numerous radio and TV appearances.
He has also made several recordings, including music of Satic, Peterson-Berger, Hugo Alfvén and several other Swedish composers, both past and contemporary.
In 1992, the Swedish Government awarded Olof Höjer a 10 year artistic grant, allowing him to leave his post as a teacher at the Malmö College of Music and pursue a fulltime career as soloist.

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