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This composer, although rather unknown, was a true Romantic although he lived through most of the last century. The Cello Sonata is a true role model for this kind of work. John Ehde, working in Denmark, is a very versatile cellist with an impeccable techique. Father and son Wilhelm and Ib Lanzky-Otto are very secure in their roles. Ib has a remarkable technical ability – no problems with the pianissimo notes that are very difficult to achieve on the horn!
Disc No: CDA-1665
Price: Sek. 160
Name: Yngve Sköld


Sköld, Yngve (1899 - 1992) Poem for cello and piano
John Ehde, cello
Carl-Axel Dominique, piano
Sköld, Yngve Sonata for cello and piano
Sköld, Yngve Suite for horn and piano
Ib Lansky-Otto, horn
Wilhelm Lansky-Otto, piano

Toccata, October 2008 Webmaster