
The three works on this recording are bound by the sort of complex network of interconnections that a skilled novelist delights in creating. At the center of their story is the remarkable odyssey that brought Antonín DvoÍák to New York to serve as Director of the National Conservatory of Music of America between 1892 and 1895.
Disc No: GMCD 7235
Price: Sek. 157
Name: Dvorak / Herbert -
 Cello and Orchestra

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Composer Opus Name Key Performer
Dvorak, Antonín (1841-1904)   The Bohemian Forest - Klid / Silent Woods / Waldesruhe / les bois silencieux   James Kreger, Cello
Philharmonia Orchestra - Djong Victorin Yu
Dvorak, Antonín (1841-1904) Op.104 Concerto For Cello & Orchestra B minor
Herbert, Victor (1859-1924) Op.30 Concerto No.2 For Cello & Orchestra E minor

Toccata, January 2009 Webmaster