Fuga Libera      
Disc No: FUG569 (2CD)
Price: Sek. 145       Fuga Libera on sale
For its first CD, the trioFenix offers us a double box including the famous Divertimento K563 and the six Bach’s fugues transcribed in trio by Mozart (who added to it some Preludes sometimes original or sometimes transcribed from Bach father and son). A great journey in the inner universe of Mozart, which will delight everyone who can’t choose between melody, harmony or counterpoint!
Name: Mozart - Complete
 Works for String Trio

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus KV 563 Divertimento for violin, viola and violoncello in Es,   TrioFenix (Shirly Laub, violin
Tony Nys, viola
Karel Steylaerts, cello)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus KV 404a Sechs dreistimmige Präludien und Fugen for violin, viola and violoncello  

Toccata, September 2011 Webmaster