Dynamic Records
Disc No: CDS-472
Price: Sek. 900 (2CD) Antônio Carlos Gomes was one of the most popular composers between the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. His love for Italian opera and profound admiration of Verdi’s works inspired him with pages of great melodic impact, which have proved irresistible for audiences of all times. Salvator Rosa was premièred at Genoa’s Carlo Felice Theatre in 1874. Known especially for the great aria for bass Di sposo, di padre, this opera will give listeners quite a few pleasant surprises.       Dynamic on sale

 Salvador Rosa

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ComposerOpusMusicKey Performer
Gomes, Antônio Carlos   Salvator Rosa   Mauro Pagano, tenor
Francesca Scaini, soprano
Francesco Ellero D’Artegna, bass
Orchestra Internazionale d’Italia - Maurizio Benini

Toccata, July 2005 Webmaster