The two cantatas chosen for this album represent works composed by the younger Bach when he held positions as organist in Arnstadt (1703-07), Mühlhausen (1707-08), and Weimar (from 1708) and was not yet primarily responsible for vocal music. Supplying regular pieces for Sundays and Holidays (“music of cantors”) was not part of the duties of an organist. Organists, however, frequently wrote works for funerals, weddings, and other special occasions. Bach apparently engaged in this kind of compositional activity from the very beginning even though only a fraction of pertinent works have survived
Disc No:CC 72289
Price: Sek. 145
Name: Bach - Actus Tragicus

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Bach, Johann Sebastian Gottes Zeit is die allerbeste Zeit (Actus Tragicus)
BWV 106      
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir - Ton Koopman
Barbara Schlick, soprano
Kai Wessel, alto
Guy de Mey, tenor
Klaus Mertens, bass
Bach, Johann Sebastian Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis
BWV 21      

Toccata, October 2008 Webmaster