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What a coup it is to have this significant live performance from 2003 performed by the music department at Curtis Institute. This beautiful performance of Miss Julie, an opera based on the play by August Strindberg. As a major addition to the opera, we have a new work, Aftermath, where Rorem, as have so many other composers over the past four years, responds to the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
Disc No:TROY 761-62
Price: Sek. 290
Name: Ned Rorem - Miss Julie


Composer Opus Stycke Key Perfomer
Rorem, Ned   Miss Julie (after A. Strindberg play)   Curtis Symphony orchestra - David Agler
Miss Julie - Joslin Romphf
John - Howard Reddy
Christine - Fiona Murphy
Young Girl - Jacqueline Bolier
Rorem, Ned   Aftermath   James J Kee, baritone
Mikael Eliasen, piano
Nicholas Canellakis, cello
Jose Maria Blumenschein, violin

Toccata, Sept 2005 Webmaster